
Soul’s Spiritual Commitment

Sohale, Founder of Soul
Sohale, Founder of Soul


Soul has a sacred responsibility to offer recommendations and insights that embody spiritual integrity. That’s why we vet and curate recommendations, ensuring that those sources are authentic, sincere, informed, and well-intentioned.

This is of paramount importance: there is content swirling on the web and social media—knowingly or ignorantly—taking advantage of that sacred responsibility, offering recommendations that may, ultimately, guide folks away from their inner Light.

Soul is the trusted source for recommendations related to knowing oneself. We’re consulting spiritual luminaries across different faith traditions, informing and augmenting Soul’s offerings. We’re designing our product experience with mindfulness and intention. Whether through interviewing individuals on their personal journeys to advice from spiritual advisors, who have more than 200 years of combined experience in leading others in the spiritual journey. Ultimately, our commitment is a sincerity for all of us to truly access that inner Light.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. I am grateful for your continued trust and support of Soul.