
The 12 Gratitude Guide Types

Soul Team
Soul Team


Based on esoteric Sufi texts, there are 12 guide types that inform how individuals express gratitude, revealing the deepest drivers towards inner joy.

Below is an overview of those guide types.

1. Purifying Guide

Purifying Guide

The Purifying Guide seeks to cleanse the heart and mind of negativity, paving the way for gratitude to flourish. Through practices of self-reflection, forgiveness, and letting go, they purify their inner landscape, allowing gratitude to permeate every aspect of their being.

For meditation, the image to behold is one of a snow-capped mountain. It's a symbol of eternity and immutability, a virtue of detachment and being.

2. Victorious Guide

Victorious Guide

With a spirit of resilience and triumph, the Victorious Guide celebrates gratitude as a triumph over adversity. They find strength and courage in moments of struggle, emerging victorious with hearts full of appreciation for the lessons learned and the growth achieved.

For meditation, the image to behold is lightning illuminating a dark night. It's a symbol of openness, vigilance, and strength.

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3. Sanctifying Guide

Sanctifying Guide

The Sanctifying Guide views gratitude as a sacred practice, elevating ordinary moments into divine experiences. They sanctify the mundane with reverence and awe, recognizing the sacredness inherent in every breath, every heartbeat, and every interaction.

For meditation, the image to behold is a placid lake or a white lotus. There's the quintessence of peace and beauty.

4. Saving Guide

Saving Guide

Driven by a compassionate heart, the Saving Guide extends gratitude to those who have offered salvation and support in times of need. They express profound appreciation for the kindness and generosity of others, recognizing the transformative power of love and compassion.

The meditation to behold is a warm fire - its virtue is of faith and fervor. A presentation of life and confidence rooted in creative energy.

5. Transcendent Guide

Transcendent Guide

Guided by a transcendent vision, the Transcendent Guide perceives gratitude as a gateway to higher states of consciousness and enlightenment. They transcend the limitations of the ego and embrace a state of oneness with all existence, where gratitude flows effortlessly as an expression of divine grace.

The image to behold in meditation is a full moon. It realizes gratitude and inner joy as a unique reality, realizing the dark night as also reality.

6. Immanent Guide

Immanent Guide

Grounded in the here and now, the Immanent Guide finds gratitude in the present moment. They revel in the beauty of everyday experiences, savoring each moment as a precious gift to be cherished and appreciated.

The image to behold in meditation is a bright sun, pure light. The virtue of concentration and consciousness. It's the true self in the now.

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## 7. Supreme Guide

Supreme Guide

The Supreme Guide embodies the essence of gratitude in its purest form. They radiate an aura of serenity and contentment, embodying the supreme realization that gratitude is not just an emotion but a way of being.

Guide types 7 through 10 focus on regions of the body to realize inner joy. The Supreme Guide focuses on the forehead or spiritual eye.

8. Heart Guide

Heart Guide

With an open and compassionate heart, the Heart Guide fosters deep connections and meaningful relationships grounded in gratitude. They express appreciation through acts of kindness, empathy, and love, nurturing the bonds that unite us all.

The region of the Heart Guide gives away the region of the body to delve into: the heart. If you're identified as a Heart Guide, then be sure to delve deeper into your heart by concentrating meditation there.

9. Body Guide

Body Guide

The Body Guide honors the temple of the physical form, expressing gratitude for the gift of embodiment. They cultivate mindfulness and self-care practices that nourish the body, mind, and soul, fostering a harmonious relationship with their physical being.

Focusing on the full body experience of gratitude is key to one deepening inner joy, if they are a Body Guide Type.

10. Life Guide

Life Guide

Celebrating the miracle of existence, the Life Guide embraces gratitude as a celebration of life itself. They find joy and wonder in the intricate tapestry of existence, embracing each moment with gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the grand symphony of life.

There's a flowing back attitude, the realization that life is also showing appreciation for you.

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11. Assimilating Guide

Assimilating Guide

The Assimilating Guide integrates gratitude into every aspect of their being, embodying its principles with effortless grace. They assimilate gratitude into their thoughts, words, and actions, radiating its transformative power wherever they go.

This guide type works with the perfection of being, uniting gratitude and being into the soul. The idea of assimilation makes this Guide Type complement well with other gratitude guide types.

12. Manifesting Guide

Manifesting Guide

With a vision for the future, the Manifesting Guide channels gratitude into the creative process of manifestation. They envision—and live in being—in a world filled with abundance, joy, and harmony, actively co-creating reality with gratitude as their guiding light.

This guide type works by aligning with the frequency of the heart. This Guide Type—like the Assimilating Guide Type—melds well by complementing other gratitude guide types.

In conclusion, the twelve versions of the gratitude guide offer diverse paths for cultivating appreciation and fostering a deeper connection with the essence of gratitude. Whether through purification, victory, sanctification, salvation, transcendence, immanence, supremacy, heartfulness, embodiment, celebration, assimilation, or manifestation, each guide illuminates the way toward a more grateful and fulfilling existence.